package ch5.requiredValidation; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern; import javax.validation.constraints.Max; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; public class RequestDataRequired { protected String hobby; protected String aversion; public void setHobby(String hobby) { this.hobby = hobby; } @Pattern(regexp=".*\\S.*", message="cannot be empty") @NotNull public String getHobby() { return hobby; } public void setAversion(String aversion) { this.aversion = aversion; } @Pattern(regexp=".*\\S.*", message="cannot be empty") @NotNull public String getAversion() { return aversion; } protected int daysPerWeek; @Min(value=1, message="must be greater than 1, if this is a hobby.") @Max(value=7, message="cannot be greater than 7. A week only has 7 days.") public int getDaysPerWeek() { return daysPerWeek; } public void setDaysPerWeek(int daysPerWeek) { this.daysPerWeek = daysPerWeek; } }
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