package ch7.cookie; import java.io.IOException; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import shared.HelperBaseCh6; //Import the bean for the application import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import shared.ButtonMethod; public class ControllerHelper extends HelperBaseCh6 { public ControllerHelper( HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { super(servlet, request, response); } public void copyFromSession(Object sessionHelper) { } protected String jspLocation(String page) { return "/WEB-INF/classes/ch7/cookie/" + page; } @ButtonMethod( buttonName="showCookieButton", isDefault=true) public String showMethod() { return jspLocation("ShowCookies.jsp"); } @ButtonMethod(buttonName="setCookieButton") public String setMethod() { Cookie dolphins = new Cookie("dolphins", "The Dolphins are here to stay"); dolphins.setPath("/"); response.addCookie(dolphins); Cookie marlins = new Cookie("marlins", "The Marlins will be gone soon"); marlins.setMaxAge(15); marlins.setPath("/"); response.addCookie(marlins); return jspLocation("ShowCookies.jsp"); } @ButtonMethod(buttonName="deleteCookieButton") public String deleteMethod() { Cookie marlins = new Cookie("marlins", "bye-bye"); marlins.setMaxAge(0); marlins.setPath("/"); response.addCookie(marlins); return jspLocation("ShowCookies.jsp"); } @ButtonMethod(buttonName="findCookieButton") public String findMethod() { Cookie[] cookieArray = request.getCookies(); Cookie marlins = null; if (cookieArray != null) { for (Cookie cookie : cookieArray) { if (cookie.getName().equals("marlins")) { marlins = cookie; } } } String result = "The Marlins have left town"; if (marlins != null) { result = marlins.getValue(); } request.setAttribute("marlins",result); return jspLocation("ShowCookies.jsp"); } @ButtonMethod(buttonName="setSpecificCookieButton") public String setSpecificMethod() { Cookie specific = new Cookie("specific", "Not all pages can see this cookie"); specific.setMaxAge(15); response.addCookie(specific); return jspLocation("ShowCookies.jsp"); } @Override protected void doGet() throws ServletException, IOException { String address = executeButtonMethod(); request.getRequestDispatcher(address) .forward(request, response); } }
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