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Guide to Web Development
with Java, Second Edition

The purpose of this book is to use existing tools and object oriented design to speed up the development of an e-commerce site. Tools such as Spring Boot, Maven, Hibernate, Bean Utilities, and the Java Standard Template Library can be used to streamline the development process so that time is spent on the unique features of a web site, and not on the features that are common to all web sites.

Students should have a solid background in Java programming, since advanced Java techniques will be used in this course. Students should have taken at least two semesters of Java programming before attempting this course.

A simple framework will be developed in the early chapters that separates the three main aspects of any web site: the data, the view presented to users, and the logic that controls what the web site is doing. Later chapters will explore the Spring framework using Spring Boot. The data will be represented in Java classes and will be saved to a database using Hibernate. The views to the user will be presented using Java Server Pages. The logic of the application will be presented in a Spring Boot controller. The Spring framework stresses the separation of the view from the logic, and the encapsulation of the data.

By the end of the course, students will recognize that the Spring framework could be used to generate any e-commerce site that they see on the web.

This is the second edition of the Guide to Web Development with Java book. The book has been updated with Spring, Spring Boot and Maven. The chapter for web services has been updated.

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